FAQ Detail

Question : How to redirect all url to https

Answer :

Some hosting provides a option in admin panel to redirect all http url to https url. If you can't find such settings then you can do it with a simple htaccess file. In that case please follow these instructions http://www.inmotionhosting.com/support/website/ssl/how-to-force-https-using-the-htaccess-file

You can find a sample file here http://support.webhelios.com/uploads/https/htaccess.txt

You can save and rename that file

Once it is done then edit ROOT/application/config/business_directory.php (for Wizbiz) or ROOT/application/config/webhelios.php (for Newspilot/videopilot) or ROOT/application/config/autocon.php (for Autocon) or ROOT/application/config/common.php (for Carbiz) and change this line

$config['use_ssl'] = 'no';


$config['use_ssl'] = 'yes';