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Question : How can i upgrade to whizbiz pro from whizbiz
Answer :
[Migration is not a feature that we are selling with whizbiz pro, it's a separate task and you may need to hire developers for it]
If you are using latest version of whizbiz then you can easily migrate to whizbiz pro bacuse Whizbiz database is compatible with whizbiz pro . Just follow the below steps
1. Download whizbiz pro files from codecaynon.
2. Upload the whizbizpro.zip to your server and extract. You can upload it to a sub directory.
3. Now edit ROOT/application/config/database.php file and put your previous database username, host, password. Here previous database configuration means the database you used for whizbiz.
4. Now copy your old ROOT/uploads folder from whizbiz and replace ROOT/uploads folder.
5. Now edit ROOT/dbc_config/config.xml and change this line
These steps will set your whizbiz pro to a runable condition with data from whizbiz. Now comes the important part. For password encryption whizbiz uses sha1 encryption which is no more supported by codeigniter. Whizbiz pro uses bcrypt encryption, which is modern and suppored. So the previous users from whizbiz wont be able to login to whibiz pro anymore.
The solution is easy, just click the forgot password link and whizbiz pro will send an recovery email. By following that link user can easily reset their password.
Also whizbiz pro contaian a tons of new settings which are not present on whizbiz. So the admin will need to set those settings again from admin panel.
NB: Whizbiz pro is pro version of whizbiz, and whizbiz pro is compatible with whibiz database. But you can see that we didn't uses the term "Auto Migrateable" for marketing. the steps we described are very sofisticated operations and need certain level of knowledge about codeigniter and database. So if you are not able to follow them by yourself, then we will recommend you to hire freelance developers who can do this for you.
You can hire us also. We will charge 50 USD for the migration. Remember if you already customised your whizbiz, then those changes are not included within this quotation.